Soul Revolution

Katie Eden Todd • January 12, 2022

Our core philosophy

For eons our world has lived a patriarchal, masculine dominated existence.

This is not about gender - we all have masculine, feminine and neutral aspects in our psyches.

Understanding our role and responsibility in this, guides our true purpose in this revolution forward.

Our era has been ruled by a dark masculine shadow of corruption, control, colonisation and conquering of any remnant of the true feminine. This shadow has brutalised, annihilated, raped, stolen, judged, oppressed, incarcerated, blamed and shamed their way into power.

Societal systems, built on the negation and shackling of feminine wisdom, have bred pandemics of unhealed pain and generational trauma, that have risen like volcanos.

The world’s masculine shadow has demonised and crushed the feminine - the only antidote to masculine’s deathly fear of pain, imperfection, failure, loss, inadequacy and frailty. The consequences of the severance of the true feminine from our world for thousands of years has been catastrophic.

Quite simply we’ve an epidemic of crises, born from the core wound of our missing feminine. The good news is, this brutal patriarchal way of being is now collapsing and it's dying.

Today, we’re literally in the midst of a social, soul led, feminine revolution. This new feminine led era, will incorporate the best of both the masculine and neutral as we go forward.

What is our role here?

Do you have a part to play?

The answer is a definitive YES!

This must be a grassroots revolution - there’s no saviour waiting to lead us to the promised land. That’s the old way of thinking and one where we abdicate from our responsibility to ultimate step up and change within.

In a soul feminine led world, we all contribute our unique thread to the global re-weaving of life.

Feminine Values -  Our Core Philosophy


– we’re all born with our soul’s unique genius to contribute to

the re-weaving of our world. Offering our feminine thread in service to others

is ultimately, the most deeply fulfilling way of life. Our lives gain true meaning

and purpose.


– humanity craves togetherness. We long to live and raise our

children within a village. Where the generational threads of wisdom and

support, ensure all are provided for. The fortunate few become the community 

of many, with a true sense of belonging, equality and

unconditional support.


- as opposed to control, is central to creating a loving world. To

truly connect we must first face and attend to our shadows, pain and rage.

This is our path to genuine empathy and compassion for ourselves and others.

Clearing the way for the true calling of our soul. And flying above the cries of

our unhealed hurts and trauma.


- our collective priorities change from ‘me first’ economics and

the riches of capitalism, to the far greater rewards of co-creating new

supportive ‘we’ systems, that value all equally. All choosing to share the

responsibility of making our feminine led vision a reality.


– to be seen, heard, validated and understood is every child’s

dream. Ongoing mentoring support for innovative, imaginative and inspiring

feminine led ideas will bring our new world into being. To champion, not be

the champion, is the new, feminine led way.

Katie Eden Todd - Blog

By Katie Eden Todd May 8, 2022
May we celebrate and truly appreciate every ounce of love from Mother-figures (in whatever gender) we were fortunate enough to have experienced, today. May we open our hearts to those who have lost mothers, those who have or are painfully struggling to become mothers, and those who haven’t been able to sustain a healthy relationship with their mothers… this day can be a hot poker right into the heart of our greatest vulnerability. We see you, we acknowledge you, we appreciate the mountains you may still be climbing. We are here walking with you. But today in these Feminine Rising times, my mind is going to Roe vs Wade and the likely knocking down of this legislation by the Supreme Court in the U.S. This landmark case in 1973 legalised abortion. There are states in the U.S. now making abortion illegal and wait for it… offering a $10,000 bounty to those who dob in providers or recipients of abortion! Way to go Texas!! FFS!! My Kali Raven blood is boiling as I write this. Texas et al… are regressing to the literal dark ages and the days of witch-hunts. (Never underestimate how terrified those who have severed their inner feminine are of this life force. They.Are.Petrified of those that have access to the feminine’s intangible powers, that’s why they are behaving so tyrannically, they’re in Child and totally fear driven). We’ve lived in a severed Feminine, Masculine dominated tyranny for eons. This darkly hierarchical, cynically abusive and entitled reign has left ALL of us somewhat motherless … as the true, empowered feminine has been exiled for thousands of years. We’ve ALL missed out on primal Feminine unconditional love and support, that knows how to embrace our darkness, pain and mistakes. That wise, loving embrace that’s been there, faced all shadow and can sooth pain, shame and guilt with a depth of love and insight few ever experience. Our Masculine era sought to sever and annihilate the Feminine, yet she still exists in all genders. She’s been louder and more seen recently, have you noticed?! That’s why the Masculine is running scared and reactively trying to assert more power and micro control over her, as we see in Texas etc… they are truly doomed if they take this Child directed path. If we see Roe vs Wade overturned, our world will be turned upside down. White evangelical Christians around the world will be galvanised and seek the same everywhere. NO MORE! The right for women to decide what happens in their bodies and their lives is sacred. (The men responsible for unplanned pregnancies of course have zero laws impeding their lives, no hypocrisy here.) This is ‘punish and chain women as second-rate citizens’ legislation, and is nothing to do with pro-life. Pro-life is we feed, house, provide health care, nourish, support, value and educate everyone as equally valuable… you need the Feminine for that. We crave this. Until we recognise and embrace the Feminine as sacred and vital in all our lives, our world is doomed. To be equal, and not deliberately and legislatively chained, impoverished, marginalised and diminished to a life of few if any opportunities or choices, must happen now. Many women will literally die, many will be horribly scarred or left infertile and many more will be condemned to lives of indescribable hardship if we make abortion illegal again. NO. NO privileged class gets to decide for us ever. NO ‘CHRISTIAN’ decides that for us. WE decide. (Please know the wealthy, mostly white ‘Christian’ men and women with the power to overturn Roe vs Wade, will always have abortion access. It’s the middle to poorer lower classes who won’t.) This issue I foresee will be THE issue that could bring much that is corrupt, heartlessly cruel and unjust down to rubble. This epic battle will likely be a key tipping point in our era of Masculine oppression of the Feminine (in all genders). The great severance, the great divide collectively and within, is ending. Feminine Rebirth is challenging, it’s painful, it’s hard work, BUT it’s the only way the feminine can rise again. This is HER time. In you and me and all of us. ALL GENDERS are hearing her call… So on this Mother’s Day be galvanised. Be passionate about bringing empowered mothering to our world. Hear the call of your heart to be an advocate of love and mother wisdom in every facet of life. I’m not interested in tokenism and commercialisation of special days celebrating whatever … I tell you what I am interested in. I’m interested in delivering unconditional primal feminine mothering to the world, daily. In small to big ways. I’m interested in justice, truth, compassion, tolerance and feminine wisdom rising like a tsunami to wash the old toxic system away. Happy Primal Mothering my Darlins… P.S. and if ‘they’ are foolish enough to light the abortion match … they’ve no idea the fire and rage they will untap. ‘They’ will inevitably be burning themselves to the ground by their own hands. Eventually, what we deliver to others must come home to self. I wouldn’t touch that match if I were them. (P.P.S. There’s a special bonus episode with 3 stories on our Feminine Rising times in our Cellmates to Soulmates course out now if interested to learn more.) Much love xxx
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