Archetypes & Relationships

Inner Child vs Inner Adult

Humans are hardwired for connection. We need to belong, love and be loved, be seen, heard and validated.  Sadly, we are not taught the skills required to relate to ourselves or to others. In fact, we're often given atrocious advice and rolemodelling.

If you have done the Persona Archetype Mapping work you will already be familiar with the concepts around Archetypal Energies (simply described as grouped qualities, values and personal traits). This 'relating work' can be done with no previous study required and works as an excellent add-on to the Persona work as it focuses specifically on how we relate/make connections.

Introducing the MFN Language and Model, key concepts:

  • We are born with our Persona Archetypes, our 'Self'
  • Our 'Personality' is different from our 'Self'. It is how we show up to ourselves and others and is strongly influenced by early experiences in infancy and childhood, by people in our lives, society, culture, life experiences and trauma
  • Our 'Self' contains strong Archetypal energies and we all default to one of the three Dominant Relating Styles

  • Masculine
  • Feminine
  • Neutral 

  • We have a mix of all three, none is better or worse and all have a Light (Adult) side and a Shadow (Child) side.  
  • These have nothing to do with gender
  • Your unique MFN-combination provides an easy to understand language and framework for learning the skills of relating


Am I in the right relationship?


  • Learn the psychology behind why you choose certain partners
  • Understand what love is, and what love isn't
  • Recognise what you bring into relationships
  • Understand why relationships have or have not worked
  • Realise how and why we project when in 'child'
  • Uncover Family Replicas
  • Learn the Antidotes to toxic relationship styles
  • Find your Masculine / Feminine / Neutral relationship style (not gender specific)

Cellmates to Soulmates Course

Transform your relationship with yourself, friends family and partners with this 10 day course

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